Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow Day=Productive Day!

Feet aren't pretty...but these look a whole lot better than they did a few hours ago!  

The boys were home today because of the 3 inches of snow we got overnight (this is definitely NOT the midwest!) so I did what I could from home.  My hubby may not agree (the house continues to look like a tornado came through) but I did get a few of the things on "the list" done today.  

As the picture above shows, I got a pedicure!  My toes are pretty again (well, at least they are painted and my feet are smooth...for now)  We'll see how long this lasts...a friend of mine said her pedicure lasts 6 weeks!  Really??  Maybe I'm rougher on my toes than her, but that would be amazing to have pretty toes for that long.

I also made a dentist appt. today for the hubby and myself...I won't tell you exactly how long it's been since we went to the dentist (darn lack of insurance) but you can be sure I'll be taking a picture of my nice, white teeth that day!!

I also talked to a very good friend of mine this weekend...after an hour, we still weren't completely caught up (I had to email her with several questions) but I loved talked to her and really want to work on this one with several good friends!  Just might be next!

Finally, I emptied and filled the dishwasher 3x today!  Does everyone do this many dishes on a daily basis or do my kids just use a lot of cups, plates, bowls and forks??!!  Thanks, babe for usually doing's NOT fun!!

Before I go and start crossing off my items, I would also like to say that I am planning on going through my purse and getting all my gift cards together and putting them in one place tonight for easy access...the hubby is at class and there WILL be school tomorrow (nothing wrong with some positive thinking) so all the boys will be going to bed ON TIME tonight!!  

Such a productive day... :)

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