Sunday, February 9, 2014

Family time on the road...

I'm just going to say family does NOT do well traveling together.  Maybe it's that we are too rigid, crave the same routine or just aren't the adventure types, but there isn't a car or hotel room big enough for the 5 of us!  I don't understand it, though because at one point, Luke and I were ready to sell everything we had (which wasn't much) and buy an RV to travel around the U.S..  Even after we had Patrick, we always thought about going out on the open road, no rules, just us and the wild frontier!  Then, we realized we barely had a pot to piss in and traveling the open road meant filling the gas tank, paying to empty that "pot" and groceries were still necessary.  Hello, real world!  At least, it's exciting to stay in a hotel, right?!  NO!  It used to be...until you have 3 wild boys who find it difficult to comprehend why they can't stomp around the room screaming at each other while jumping from bed to bed and throwing things at each other.  And it doesn't matter if we all go to bed early (because the kids are such horrible sleepers, they have to have all the lights off, tv off, and all of a sudden Luke and I are going to bed at 8:30) OR if we all stay up late, they're still awake by 6am!!  Just in case you're not up on time zones, that's 5am Chicago time!!  Most people would appreciate quiet still at that time on the weekend!  Sorry hotel neighbors...

So, now the weekend is over and although it was a rough one (except for the fact that I got to see my parents and my sister, my beautiful nieces and sweetest nephew), there's nothing like a 5-6 hour road trip that allows you to put "life" into perspective!  My list of 40 things is still here and I need to get something done so I can cross it out!  I'm beginning to think I have too many tasks that are on-going and not enough that I can say "farewell" to and be done.  (Hmmm...may have to change that!)  Since completing the list, I actually have thought of a few things I wish I had included.  Maybe, just maybe, when I finish my list early (haha!!) I can add a few bonus tasks?!  Of course, this list of 40 things are not the only tasks I'm busy fulfilling...I still have to feed my family, clean, shower...all those things I'm "expected" to do.   So, I suppose I could do a few extras in my spare time without actually including them on "the list".

I've decided the best way to track what I've done so far is not only to rely on crossing it off once it's done, but to copy the list from week to week and comment on those items I've  made progress on.  Seems like the best way to do it for now (until I get sick of my list!!)

Now to the list...

  1. Lose 40 lbs (I know this is a big one and quite cliche, but this is the time because from what all my friends say it only gets harder!) This is hard! Boo!
  2. Use up all those gift cards I've been saving all these years.  So I went through and separated out all the gift cards I had and put them in a cute little business card holder I got for Christmas.  Turns out, I had 22 various gift cards!  This may take a little more time than I expected....but, I decided I should designate a day sometime soon and make it "gift card day".  I can focus on spending several of my cards on one day!  
  3. Fix and print out Aiden's blog (I believe my last post was when he was entering preschool and he's not 1/2 through Kdg...I've got some work to do)
  4. Speaking of work to do...I have 3 baby books that haven't even been started (yes, I'm a little embarrassed about that fact, but I have everything together so it shouldn't take long, right?)
  5. Keep my toes pretty...whether that means getting a pedicure or doing my own nails, I'm not sure yet, but seriously women, we NEED to have pretty toes.  No one likes to look at gross one. Still looking good...
  6. Kiss my boys good night, every night, no matter what.  Honestly, I do this for the most part, but occasionally things get in the way and it may not happen.  Parents really need to do this...there is just something about seeing your kids sleeping that melts my heart even after a bad day.  What's the saying, "Always kiss me goodnight"...there really should be one that says, "kiss your kids nightly".  I'm going to admit, this was difficult this weekend.  I was angry with at least 1 kid each night, but I tried to resolve my issues before bed and made sure I kissed them and said good night (and even meant it...PLEASE SLEEP!)
  7. Clean up/organize my desk weekly.  I am horrible about piling things up for them to never be seen again (until I get the bill statement that says I have a late fee and I get all pissed because it's right there on my desk...somewhere. Check!  See pix :)
  8. PAY BILLS ON TIME. (no need to explain and really shouldn't be difficult) So far, so good!
  9. Be in bed by 11pm during the week.  That means in bed ready to fall asleep, not turning on the hours of Chicago Fire or Grey's Anatomy I have dvr'd and can't seem to catch up on. I've been good about this...really excited Jimmy Fallon takes over the Tonight Show now since the Late show was on at 11pm!!
  10. Talk to far away friends more than 1x/year (or less in some cases).  And that doesn't mean a message on FB or a text because I need something.  Really reaching out and talking to friends on the phone, letting them know they mean something. Talked and actually visited family (they are friends, too) while we were in Chicago.  Felt good to catch up!  Love you Kristen, Jen and Betty!!
  11. Fix relationships that need fixing...make amends with those who are worth it.
  12. Call my Mom and Dad at least 1x/week...usually done, but not always.  Cherish the ones you love!  Not only talked to my parents, but they stopped here on their way to Chicago and saw them at my sister's!!
  13. Keep my in-laws in the loop about what we're doing, the boys' activities, plans for visits, etc...
  14. Go out with girlfriends more often...this is actually a tough one for me.  Anyone that may be reading this, please help me!!
  15. Go out with my husband at least 1x/month.  We deserve that, right?!
  16. Pursue a new job or that career change I've always thought about (no...not the truck driver or librarian!)
  17. Cancel any credit cards we don't use...time to slim down the wallet.
  18. Put pictures up on the walls.  Believe it or not, I tend to hesitate on this just in case we end up moving again.  After more than 4 years here in KY, I think it's safe to start putting up pictures. 
  19. Make all the doctor appts. and follow-ups you're supposed to do when you're an adult.  Like that lovely OBGYN annual, dentist 2x/year, annual physical (when was the last time you did that!?) vision, and whatever other doctor is necessary as you get to be "my age".  
  20. Run...just run.  Whether it's races or for fun, I need to pick up running again.  It's good for your body (remember I have 40 lbs to lose) and good for the mind.
  21. Almost forgot...get a blog up and running!  And continue blogging until 9/29/14! (I've already started this one...yay me!)
  22. Get a family picture that is acceptable and where we all look amazing!  Got have something great to hang on the wall!
  23. Finish Connor's tattoo.  The hubby and I got our son's footprints tattooed on our wrists for our 15th anniversary (and 5 years after losing Connor)...I know, so romantic!  I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted (and still don't) but know it's not complete yet.
  24. Help my husband with the chores.  Ladies, don't get jealous, but I have one of those incredible husbands that enjoys doing laundry, cleaning and dishes (awesome, right?!)  Unfortunately, this has made me become quite the slacker in this department.  I promise to help out more around the house (of course, in my spare time :)) I loaded/unloaded the dishwasher more times than I ever have in a week.  Plus, I did the laundry, dusted, cleaned and vacuumed!
  25. Go to yoga 1x/week.  I've just recently started doing yoga and surprisingly I LOVE IT! I feel so good afterward and the breathing alone helps me get through the day a little calmer.  Although, this may be's expensive!  Didn't get to go to yoga because we had 4 snow days, but did practice my deep breathing many times, especially this weekend!!
  26. Really listen to my kids when they are talking to me.  So much of our days are running around going to and from places, dropping off, picking up.  I cherish the times I can sit down with any of the boys and "catch up".  I guess the goal would be to slow down and enjoy any conversations I can get with the boys.
  27. Speaking of slowing down, how about stopping to smell the roses.  With this huge list, I'm going to be even busier than normal!  But, sometimes everything else can be put on hold...nothing is going to happen if the dishes are still in the sink or the floor doesn't get vacuumed right away.  I'm going to STOP, and appreciate what I have at least, once daily.
  28. Make an appt with my hair stylist when I should, not once it becomes necessary!  I'm not even sure how often I'm supposed to go??  But I'm certain waiting 3-4 months is too long.  
  29. Go shopping for me!  For most people, this probably isn't difficult, but I HATE shopping for myself and rarely do it.  Honestly, I need someone to help me with this...I've realized over the past year that I THINK I have style but I really don't.  Right now, my "style" consists of yoga pants and t-shirts and jeans on a good day.  So sad...wish Clinton and Stacy were still doing What Not To Wear!  Ok, so I know it's not like real shopping, but I bought myself a pair of shoes on expensive shoes!!  Not from Target, or from the clearance section at Old Navy, but real shoes!!  I've wanted them forever and I finally decided I deserved them!!  Yay, me!
  30. Keep up my skin routine.  I was lucky enough to be treated to an amazing facial by my MIL over Christmas (Nancy, now I know why you always have such incredible skin!)  I came home with great products and would love to continue taking care of my skin.  I may be getting older, but I don't have to look it, right!?
  31. Put my jewelry in the jewelry box that's sitting on top of my dresser!  Sounds silly, but that would also mean going through my jewelry and getting rid of the things I don't wear (like the necklace my middle school boyfriend gave me!)  I even have an earring holder that I made (thanks to Pinterest) that is hanging on the wall...empty!
  32. Go through the abundance of boys clothing...donate, throw out, organize and LABEL tubs to make finding them easier!  I was really good at this when I had 1 kid...just saying.
  33. Buy a bike.  One of the things on my "life" bucket list (not sure I can add it to this list) is to do a mini-triathalon.  I can swim, I can bike, but the running scared me in the past.  I think I have that down now.  Only problem is, my husband thought I should let my oldest son should get my mountain bike since he was big enough for it and needed a bike.  So, he stripped it down (grips, pedal straps, etc...) and now I have no bike.  I love to ride but I need a bike...
  34. Take more pictures...with an actual camera, not my phone.  I'm not saying my phone hasn't taken some incredible pictures, but I have a really nice camera and it takes great pictures!  Also, videos...again, we took videos all the time with our first kid.  Where is that video camera anyway???  I take it out for recitals and such, but really need to do it more often and also figure out a way to actually watch them once we record something!
  35. Do random acts of kindness!  I want my boys to see that kindness still exists and is important.  Plus, girls dig it!  A couple weeks ago, we were out of town again and we missed a local blood drive and bone marrow donation drive.  Almost a year ago, a local teacher/friend lost her daughter to brain cancer.  With that anniversary coming up and also finding out about several other local kids being diagnosed, I decided to send away for a kit to be a marrow donor.  I may or may not ever be a match, but it feels good knowing that I could save the life of another human being.  Too many people I know have been diagnosed with cancer or somehow their lives have been affected because of this awful disease...this is my little way of giving back and I hope I can make a difference to someone in the future.
  36. Use all the Groupons/Living Social deals I have spent money on...such good deals, unless you forget about them or let them expire...Curse you Groupon and Living Social!  Just found 2 living social deals in a pile on my desk for mini golf that I bought and never used.  Bad me!  Anyone want to join me this week???  It's glo-golf!?
  37. Go through our bookshelves...get rid of books we don't use, need or want.  Put books on there that are helpful, special or help make it seem that we are a family of great readers!!
  38. Re-do my bedroom.  You know how they say the Master bedroom should be a serene, calm getaway...mine is the opposite of that!  I hate my bedroom and I definitely do not enjoy going in there at the end of a long, stressful day.  I may need to call the professionals for some help with this one.
  39. READ MORE BOOKS...I have never really enjoyed reading, mostly because whenever I start a book, by the time I pick it up again I've forgotten what I already read!  I end up reading the same chapters over and over!  I do appreciate a good book though, so feel free to comment on any good reads you've had lately!!  I finished, Mockingjay, the last book of the Hunger Games series!!  Now I need something else...anyone have any suggestions of a good book to read???
  40. While I was at yoga last week, the instructor said something that I loved and made me really think.  She said something like this, "...look deep inside and smile at your soul of acceptance..."  I thought this was really beautiful.  Even if I don't finish the other 39 things I have listed here, this one I need to do!  Everyone should... 
Not a bad week, really.  Making some good progress, although I'd really like to cross something completely off the list!  (That's a really cool button, by the way...someone at Microsoft must have been a "list maker" too!)  As for that family time on the road...not looking forward to next weekend when I take to the open road AGAIN and head to Columbus for yet another gymnastics meet.  Maybe I can draw an invisible line that no one can cross in the car or in the hotel room (used to work for my sister when we were younger)  or just wear earphones all weekend long!!  NOT!

Until then, I'm going to enjoy my clean desk!!  

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