Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm tired...and may have pissed off the cashier at Target??!!

I'm just going to get it off my chest 1st thing...I've been staying up past 11pm and now I'm tired.  And I'm not staying up getting things done either.  Watching TV, playing candy crush or wasting time on Facebook!  That also means I'm tired during the day which means I'm not very motivated to get tasks done on my list.  Ugh...time for a re-start!

Actually, I haven't done too bad this past week.  It's amazing how easy it is to spend gift cards (even when exhausted)!  I'm proud to say that I am down to just 10 gift cards!  Yes, that means I was able to get rid of over 1/2 of my cards!  The cashier at Target looked a little annoyed when I pulled out my coupons and Cartwheel, then started giving her gift cards...4 in total!  Sorry chickie, but this Mama's on a mission.  I was also able to spend almost nothing for the poster supplies for Jack's gymnastics meet thanks to my Staples gift card.
And, Aiden had a nice treat at Orange Leaf on his day off today!  Just a few examples of the various gift cards I was able to spend and pix for evidence!

Speaking of gymnastics, we went to Columbus on Friday and since it was mostly the Mom's, we hung out while the boys swam.  I had a great time chatting, drinking and having fun.  It felt good to relax (especially after a snowy, scary ride up) and just have some adult fun!  I think that counts for hanging out with girlfriends, right?!  Thanks to all the girls for helping me with this one!  

I also brought my "real" camera to take some good action shots, but found out once we were there, my battery was completely dead...points for trying??

I made it to yoga this week, kept up on the household chores, my toes are still looking good, desk is clean and I made another doctor appt for this week (dentist appt is next week)!  When it's all written down, it actually sounds like I'm on a roll and very busy!  Luke and I haven't made it out yet this month but I did get to sorting some of my jewelry done and even put my earrings on my DIY holder (see pix).  

However, I haven't lost that 40 lbs yet.  


  1. Awesome blog Mary! your Earring holder.

  2. Thanks, Robin! It's super easy to make!!
