Thursday, January 30, 2014

Yikes...what have I done!?!

So, I went to bed last night (at 10:15pm and after kissing all 3 of the boys) with such a feeling of accomplishment!  I had taken the first steps of my newest endeavour and had even gotten a good response-thank you to everyone for the encouragement and positive thoughts!

This morning I woke up very rested (almost 9 hours of sleep!) and realized not only did I have 242 more days of this, but I actually had to DO the things on the list in order to call this little "thing" a success!  After hyperventilating a bit and feeling completely overwhelmed, I decided I had 2 choices...
  1. Get it together and have a plan of action OR
  2. Delete the whole page and deny to anyone that I even had the idea.
Obviously, I decided to get my act together and continue moving forward...for better or worse! So, I've added a few more items to the list...I've had an envelope in my purse now for weeks that I jot down my thoughts when I have them (church, work, driving (only at stop lights), gymnastics/strings/baseball practices and of course next to the bed)  I've also started thinking about how I'm actually going to get all this done (thanks in part to my wonderfully organized and creative Aunt Jeanne).  I'm definitely going to have to pace myself, but also get started sooner than later!  

This weekend we're headed to Indy for a gymnastics meet...that means 2 hours in the car, 2 hours off and on during the meet and hotel down time (like when everyone else is swimming or sleeping), to ponder and figure out the right plan of action (POA).  

I also realized that there is no real way for anyone, other than me, to monitor how I'm doing on this list...unless of course you are part of an item on the list!  So, feel free to ask me  how I'm doing!   I'll do my best to post when I've completed something or to give an update on those items that are ongoing!  

**Btw, I talked to a friend today about a "new job"!  I also did yoga.  

I am definitely on my way...  

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