Thursday, March 6, 2014

Need some motivation...

The past couple weeks have just been really busy...c'est la vie!  My Mom called the other day and said she wished she could come and take the kids so I could sit with my feet up (darn plantar fascitis is not going away easily) and get some of the things done on my "40" list...I laughed...then realized that may be exactly what I need to get this list done.  Time by myself with no interruptions, no activities, no carpool, nada, nothing, zip...

HELLO...BACK TO REALITY!!  This is my life and I've got to figure out a way to get all these things done while also doing "life" I got my handy planner out (yes, I found it!) and started counting down those days again.  I have just over 200 days til that BIG day...that should be the motivation I need, right?!  I also stepped on the scale this morning and THAT number is also very motivating!!

So, I'm pushing that "re-start" or "get your butt in gear" button TODAY!  I also realized this week as we celebrated my husband's 39th birthday and my oldest son's 10th birthday (I'm actually finding that a little harder than I thought I would) that I'm so lucky to have a great husband, 3 pretty good kids, friends and family I can count on and so much more.  Even if I don't complete my entire list in the next 200 days, I've accomplished something pretty cool...
Just look at that handsome kid.  I made him (ok, not by myself) and he's a great kid!  I'm so proud of him and can take some of the credit for what an incredible little person he is. So, I will...take some credit and count my blessings for what they are!  That kid made me a Mommy, the hardest job in the world, and whether I accomplish my list of "40 things" or not, or look the way I want to look when I turn "40", or celebrate that big day with a huge party or trip with friends...I still get to be the Mom of 3 great boys!!  That should be all the motivation I need!

With that thought in my head all day, I'm going to lunch with friends and then heading to the nail salon for a pedicure!!  

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