Sunday, August 17, 2014

Pulling the plug...

When I had the idea of doing a "countdown" blog, I never imagined it would make things as stressful as they've become!?  I suppose we are our own worse critics and I was afraid by not doing something big, I was letting myself down (you only hit big milestones once!)  But now, instead of motivating me, my 40 tasks have overcome my living and I need to step back, take a deep breath, and see what's going on around me as "enough".

I just ordered my new planner and as I was deciding which one to get, one stuck out above all the rest.  It said...

"Sometimes we're all too quick to countdown the days that we forget to make the days count."  It was a sign.  Time to pull the plug.  

I am so worried about checking off my list, that I'm not enjoying the days or the stuff going on around me!  My awesome big sis brought me my birthday present a couple weekends ago...starting on Aug. 21st (40 days til the big day), I get to open 1 gift each day!  How incredible is that...I get to celebrate the last 40 days of my 30's and make them count.  She gets it...(probably because she's older and wiser!)

I'm not giving up completely, however, I'll get done what I can and the rest will wait until the time is right.  Maybe I'll get the list done by the time I turn 41?  Or 50!?  No's time to enjoy what I have in front of me and know I'm doing the best I can.  

For now, I choose to make these days count!!  See you September 29th!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

8 weeks to go...

I know it's been awhile and most of you have assumed I've given up...well, that's not the case!  I've been a busy little bee.  I'd like to say I have everything done or close to it, but I would be lying. :(  However, I have successfully crossed off 10 additional items that I feel pretty good about AND I have some other things that are a "work-in-progress".  

First off, I have to thank Dee K. for volunteering her time and services to help me out.  She literally walked through my house, listened to what I said, gave suggestions, asked questions and most importantly, got me headed in the right direction as far as updating my house, helping me with my 40 tasks and most importantly, giving me the confidence to just do it.  I can't thank you enough and can't wait for you to see some of the changes I've made!  That being said, I am no professional blogger and I apologize for the formatting of this post, as well as the horrible recording of progress!  I forgot to take "before" pix so here are some 1/2 way through pix! (I'll be sure to keep my day job)...

Before, sort of...

after...well, 1/2 way!
This is the master bedroom...I HATE MY ROOM.  That's really not an exaggeration.  Every time I enter the room, I gag a little.  I changed it up a couple years ago by adding the purple you see in the 2nd pix.  Previously, that was a nice shade of diarrhea yellow which was carried into the bedroom from the bathroom.  Nice...NOT!  The change was not enough...I was still sad.  The green you see in the 2nd pix is actually just the primer, but soon enough, it will be a lovely, calm, green color, called Gleeful, and it will bring me much glee (as soon as I get over my fear of heights and finish off the high walls)  Even with the primer up, I smile a little more when I go to bed and wake up in the morning and a smile is much nicer than gagging!

We also decided to get a new mattress for the 1st time (ever) in our marriage...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US!  It was waaayy over the 8 years you're supposed to keep your mattress...does everyone really change their mattresses that often?  We're still getting used to it, and I certainly didn't wake up feeling like a new woman the next day...darn it...but things are improving.  So...the bedroom is coming along and will make a HUGE difference once it's done.

Also in the news...
  1. We went through our bookshelves and successfully took 3 boxes of books to Half Price Books for a little pocket change, as well as donated a bunch to local charities. Now there is lots of room for some future changes to my "office".
  2. With the help of my wonderful hubby and his persistence to have me clean out one of the storage rooms...I have now gone through the dozens  a variety of tubs of children's clothing, purses (had no idea that's where hubby had put all my bags), etc.. and THIS is what my dining room table looks like as of today...
Yes, those are piles of tagged and barcoded boys clothing all ready and waiting for selling at our local Little Treasures Sale (which thankfully, happens to be in 2 weeks!).  I also sent a huge bag off to ThredUp and I have 3 even bigger bags ready to be donated!  YAY!  It feels good and now it's so much easier to access the clothes the boys can still wear.
   3.  I have also moved some pictures around to different places and even added a few new ones...
Something I saw on Pinterest
A great one of the boys and Cincy!
These are just a few and I also have canvases in the works of the boys that will go in our stairwell...never thought of that??!!  Thanks Dee!

I've kept up the bills, my toes, and even dr. appts!  (*note to self:  Make a hair appt), but I would be lying again if I said I was feeling good about my progress.  I'm definitely feeling the pressure to get more done and quick!  I've gone out with girlfriends, had more "date nights" lately than all the ones put together over the past 10 years, and tried to stay positive, think good thoughts, do great things...but the truth is in 8 weeks I'm turning 40 whether this list is complete or not.  I'm putting my nose to the grindstone and going full speed ahead at this point, but I may need to consider what my great friend, Steph said, "maybe you should take the entire year of being 40 to get all this done?"  

Steph, perhaps you're right...

For now, I'm off to bed because tomorrow I have to workout, make a hair appt., see the dr., paint the bedroom, find more clothes/toys to sell, organize pix, pay bills, clean my desk, start on my DIY wrapping station, organize the pantry, go through some pix AND...find my soul of acceptance!!!
