Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Need help...

I've had some very nice people/friends come up and ask me, 
"... how are you doing on your list"
"...I haven't seen you post anything lately??"
"...show me your toes"

All true stories and I love it because what's the point of having a public blog to keep you accountable if you aren't really going to do anything, right?!  Right...so, I'm here today to ask for some help getting motivated.  It's not that I don't want to get everything done (or even 1-2 things) but I've realized lately that I do better under a deadline.  And since trying to get all these done when I only have a week or two before the big day is just going to be impossible.  So, if you're reading this (1st of all, "thank you" for sticking by me) throw out an item number that you'd like to see me get done.  That's all...I'm making an imaginary deadline and hoping with the pressure of someone saying "get it done", it will actually get done and I can finally cross another one off!

Although, I DID put together my exercise binder and it looks pretty good.  Unfortunately, just putting something together doesn't automatically mean I'm doing what's inside!  Ugh...

Also, just today, I talked on the phone (yep, goin' old school) with my good friend from NM (well, WI but I know her from school in NM).  Thanks Nicole for calling...always good to catch up!  I also corresponded by email with a long lost friend from middle school and cleared the air...something I've been meaning to do for awhile and finally decided today was the day.  She celebrates the big 4-0 tomorrow and I wanted her to know I was thinking about her and celebrating with her (since mine is still SO far away!)  Love ya, Kris!!

Hubby and I are celebrating our 16th anniversary Friday and I'm surprising him with an overnight (not going to say where just in case he decides to read this).  I'm excited to have some time with him and to get outta here, even if it's just for 1 night.  Thanks to my good friend, Kathy H. for agreeing to have all 3 boys at her house for the night!!  Have fun!!

Alright...I'm going to cross those off and I'll be waiting to hear what I need to do next!  I'll take the 1st person who responds...

Let the suggestions begin!!

P.S.:  Here's my exercise binder (#35) done and complete!  Now, I just have to do what's in it and I'll cross off #19!!

** Please look back to post called, "Complete Overhaul" to see entire, updated list!**

1 comment:

  1. I want to help you with whatever decorating help you need!! call me!!
