Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Need help...

I've had some very nice people/friends come up and ask me, 
"... how are you doing on your list"
"...I haven't seen you post anything lately??"
"...show me your toes"

All true stories and I love it because what's the point of having a public blog to keep you accountable if you aren't really going to do anything, right?!  Right...so, I'm here today to ask for some help getting motivated.  It's not that I don't want to get everything done (or even 1-2 things) but I've realized lately that I do better under a deadline.  And since trying to get all these done when I only have a week or two before the big day is just going to be impossible.  So, if you're reading this (1st of all, "thank you" for sticking by me) throw out an item number that you'd like to see me get done.  That's all...I'm making an imaginary deadline and hoping with the pressure of someone saying "get it done", it will actually get done and I can finally cross another one off!

Although, I DID put together my exercise binder and it looks pretty good.  Unfortunately, just putting something together doesn't automatically mean I'm doing what's inside!  Ugh...

Also, just today, I talked on the phone (yep, goin' old school) with my good friend from NM (well, WI but I know her from school in NM).  Thanks Nicole for calling...always good to catch up!  I also corresponded by email with a long lost friend from middle school and cleared the air...something I've been meaning to do for awhile and finally decided today was the day.  She celebrates the big 4-0 tomorrow and I wanted her to know I was thinking about her and celebrating with her (since mine is still SO far away!)  Love ya, Kris!!

Hubby and I are celebrating our 16th anniversary Friday and I'm surprising him with an overnight (not going to say where just in case he decides to read this).  I'm excited to have some time with him and to get outta here, even if it's just for 1 night.  Thanks to my good friend, Kathy H. for agreeing to have all 3 boys at her house for the night!!  Have fun!!

Alright...I'm going to cross those off and I'll be waiting to hear what I need to do next!  I'll take the 1st person who responds...

Let the suggestions begin!!

P.S.:  Here's my exercise binder (#35) done and complete!  Now, I just have to do what's in it and I'll cross off #19!!

** Please look back to post called, "Complete Overhaul" to see entire, updated list!**

Monday, June 2, 2014

The rest of the list...

Here we go...I finished the last 8 items!!  Yay!  Or maybe that should be Oy vey?!  I'm happy with the final outcome and I believe MOST of them are S.M.A.R.T. (let me know Rick A.)  Once again, it's a big list and now I have even less time, but that's ok.  I've always been one of those people that did better under the pressure of a deadline (YIKES...I'm actually sweating already).  I've added them to the original list...  

Here's to counting down and crossing out!!

32.  Organize and label my pantry.  I was so thankful when we moved here and I had a pantry.  That may sound crazy because most people take them for granted.  I, however, have NEVER had a pantry before...not in Chicago, not in Georgia, not in New Mexico!  SO...I have this great pantry now (although would love it more if it was a tad bigger) but I have never been able to keep it organized.  You all know those pix on blogs that show an awesome makeover pantry (or is it just me that drools over those?!)  I'm going to do it.  Maybe not all color coordinated or labeled all pretty, but gosh golly, when I open the door, I'm going to be able to see what I have and get out what I need without anything falling on my head or dropping out of the container!

33.  Re-do mud room closet...a couple years ago, I made the (huge) closet in my mud room into a craft/art supplies storage space (don't be jealous yet).  But to this day, I can't find a thing and the boys keep ruining it!  Obviously, I didn't do a good job.  

34.  Create a wrapping paper/accessories place in the basement...again, I have such good intentions when I see things on Pinterest or I see a neighbors entire wrapping paper closet all pretty and organized, but I don't quite get 'er done?!  I hate going out and buying bows or ribbon or God forbid I buy another sheet of tissue paper...I swear I could open my own party store!  

35.  Create an exercise binder...since I'm not allowed to bootcamp until July and even then I'm not sure I'll be 100%, I want to create a binder of exercises I can do at home.  Not just until July, but for those days I can't make it to bootcamp or for days I want to do a little extra (probably necessary if I'm going to lose those 40 lbs)  Thanks to Pinterest, this shouldn't be too difficult AND it will help me cross out #19!! 

36.  Get the boys' rooms done.  Their bedrooms are always one of the 1st things we do when we move into a new house (Just helps make them feel like it's theirs) but since apparently our boys change their views a lot (doesn't everyone's kiddos switch rooms like every other month??) AND I think hope they are finally settled where they want to be, it's time to arrange, paint, organize, hang curtains so they actually like  love where they sleep!  Unfortunately, this means it's time for my amazing jungle mural to be painted over. :(

37.  Plant a garden...nothing huge, but we have been saying since we moved here (5 years ago) that we wanted to start a vegetable garden.  We have a great place to do it, I have 4 strapping boys who love to do manual labor, and veggie eaters to enjoy it!  This is the year...not just tomatoes (we've done that in our topsy tomato) but real stuff, in the ground, that you can eat.  Who wants to help me??

38.  Have a garbage garage sale...actually, I have really great stuff which is why I hate giving it away at garage sales!  Those people can be relentless!  The hubby is great at this because he sees the value of it being GONE and I see the $$$ being lost as it's given away! But, it's time to get rid of the junk in our storage rooms and make room for more priceless treasures!

39.  I feel like this is Letterman's Top 10 list and this should be the best one??!! (Right, #2 was always better than #1)  So...Try something NEW!  Maybe not a surprise here, but I don't really like to try new things.  I'm not the risk-taker I used to be, but this seems to be a good time in my life to try something I've never done or something I haven't done in a really long time.  There's no way I'm going skydiving or bungee jumping, but maybe I can find something that will get my blood bubbling without sending me to the E.R!!  Plus, I want the boys to think I'm a "cool Mom".