Wednesday, May 7, 2014

40 and FALLING...

...falling apart that is!  Or maybe it should be, "40 and FAILING", as in my body is failing me!  I've been told that weird things start happening to your body in your 40's, but could it be just my luck that it's happening as I turn 40??  I have just about 150 days until the big 4-0 and instead of feeling confident that 40 is the new 20, I'm hoping I'm not using a walker!!

So it's been about 10 weeks since I starting seeing my dr. about my plantar fascitis.  After 10 rounds (?) of shots and 8 weeks of PT, I graduated from therapy (even got a $500  free 
t-shirt) and started back full-time at bootcamp.  Then on a sunny Monday while doing some band work (I <3 bands, seriously) I heard and felt a subtle <<pop>> in my right foot.  Thankfully, I was scheduled to see the dr that day and she wrapped me up tightly and said best case scenario was that I tore the fascia and I'll have some relief (yay me!) in a few days. Took it easy and miraculously I have been pretty much pain-free!  So you're probably thinking everything sounds like it's getting better??  I thought so too!  Then, this past Monday, I was at bootcamp again and joking that I should try and "tear the other foot and I'll be cured!" Ha...well, I was skipping along (literally, we were skipping) and this time there was no subtle anything, it was an explosion (I may be exaggerating a bit) and I went down.  Boom...I open my eyes to find people looking down at me and asking if I'm alright.  Of course, I say I am and hobble back to my spot.  Well, it didn't get any better and this time I couldn't even put any weight on it.  Back to the dr I went (ch-ching), another x-ray is done (ch-ching), an ultrasound is done (ch-ching) and I end up coming home with this...
Ch-ching!  And oh, so sexy!  
At least my toes were pretty and painted when it happened (yay me!)
Also, remember that goal to make all the appts. you're supposed to make as a responsible adult??  Great I had a tooth that needed a filling, went back and now the dentist actually recommended a crown (totally NOT like a queen crown) but went for my temporary and was taking ibuprofen for days because it's my last molar and as the dentist said, "it's a tough one to get to".  Ugh...well, tonight, just 5 days away from my appt., the stupid temporary crown pops off!  Seriously?!  What's tattoos start drooping or moving?? (wait, that may or may not have already happened?!  Wouldn't you like to know!  Mums the word Anna and Debbie!)  

I guess the lesson here is even though my body may slowly be disintegrating, my mind is as sharp as a         ???  What's that saying??  Anyway, I am still working on my goals, although I seem to be accumulating gift cards again??  WHAT??  BUT, my hubby and I are having lunch together more and we even had a date night this past weekend.  Dinner at one of our favorites, PF Changs, then an impromptu miniature golf outing (wasn't bedtime for the kids yet so we COULDN'T go home!)  Here we are among the high school students and families with young children...
It was fun and I only lost by 3 personal best!  THAT was a good day.
Now if only I had more good days than bad  not so good days!!

Always a work-in-progress...

Better get my toothless (and very sensitive) mouth and robot-leg to bed!!